DIY: Upcycling an Old flat Wooden Spoon

By | February 18, 2016

We always tend to throw the wooden spoons once they get old or when they kinda chip off. Even I used to do the same thing, but now I have realized that I could just use it to deck up my home.So here is another DIY Homedecor.

I am sure by my earlier posts you would have gauged how much I like to deck up my home with Indian art work. So here is another DIY with just the Indian touch to make you feel more connected to India. Just remember, you will not be able to use this for cooking, but this surely will deck up your home. Here in this post I will have my drawing attached for your ease.

Also note that you are free to draw anything. πŸ™‚Β If you happen to try this DIY, make sure to tag me along. I would love to see them.

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Up cycled Wooden spoon into a beautiful Homedecor.

Up cycled Wooden spoon into a beautiful Homedecor.

Step 1
Paint the entire surface of the spoon with a base coat with white acrylic paint using Flat brush.Wait until it dries to continue with your project.

Paint the entire wood spoon with a base coat of white Acrylic paint.

Step 2
Now once the base coat dries , mark two lines perpendicular to each other on the working surface of the spoon.(working area=the base of the spoon i.e. last 1/3rd of the spoon).Refer the Image below to know what is your working area on the spoon)

Mark to lines perpendicular to each other in the working area.

Step 3
If you are good in free hand drawing then it shouldn’t be a problem.But if u aren’t then you can always take the design you want as a print out and then trace it with a xerox paper under the printout of your design sheet.I have attached the design for your ease.

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Step 4
Using the smallest artist paint brush,preferably zero size draw the outline of the can use the same colors what i have used or any of your choice. After completion, let it dry overnight.

Finished product

Step 5
Then spray the clear acrylic paint all over the surface.This protects the paint from any scratches and gives it a glossy finish.The spoon what i have used has a hole for hanging already. Don’t worry if the spoon you have doesn’t have a hole for hanging, you can always tie a colorful twine around the end of the spoon and then use it for hanging.

I have used a piece of jute thread as a twine to help me in hanging it onto the wall.

I have used a piece of jute thread as a twine to help me in hanging it onto the wall.
Happy Up cycling!
If you have any questions you can always comment and will be more than happy to answer your questions.

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15 thoughts on “DIY: Upcycling an Old flat Wooden Spoon

    1. Rashmi Post author

      Thank you.Tag me along once you try this project.I would love to see them.
      Happy up cycling!:)

    1. Rashmi Post author

      Thanks Subha! Next time make sure you try something like this and do share it with me when you try! Would love to see it πŸ™‚

  1. Aron Bedore

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