DIY Cork Coasters

By | March 23, 2016

I have always wanted these fun kinda coasters.So I made these coasters with the cork coasters I bought from IKEA and used Acrylics on them.

You would already remember my tutorial on DIY Warli cork coasters if you don’t you can click on the below link. I have made use of the same procedure as of Warli coasters.

DIY: Warli Cork Coasters

So here I have one coaster which says ‘BRO RELAX’ and the other says ‘BOLLY FEVER’. Bolly Fever is based on the theme Bollywood which happens to be one of my favorite. I have some of the Famous dialogues painted on the coaster.

'Bro Relax'

‘Bro Relax!’

'Bolly Fever'

‘Bolly Fever’

Enjoy! Have fun making these funky coasters. 😉
Happy Painting!
If you have any questions you can always comment and will be more than happy to answer your questions.


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