Writer in me!

By | May 2, 2016

I became a writer by chance and not by choice.I hv always been a critic and a person who enjoys write-ups but a less of a writer by myself.I love reading and the current book am reading is ‘Many lives, many masters’.

Writing for me started when I tried to express my love to that special person. Just like everyone does, it was all for attention and to impress that special person. Soon a habit and now my way of expressing things. Most of my poems are my feelings and some are borrowed. Sometimes it is my way of dealing with my things. It’s a journey by itself a journey from just plain thoughts in my head to actions,always trying to find solutions through my poems.

This journey continued further and made its way into my first anthology “The Cupids Heartbeat”.’Miss you my love’ poetry got selected and got published in April. This book is published by Arusha books India.

If you guys like poetry, do check out the below link in Amazon India.

My second poetry will be publishing soon in May.:)

Sneak peek into my poem ‘Miss you my love’.
Love can be a smile shared,
A tear rolled,

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