A six yard Affair!

By | August 3, 2016
A Six yard Affair!

A Six yard Affair!

My mom had this affair when she was 18,
And my grandma, even before that!
I wanted to be a part of this, since teen,
And carry forward the family hat!

I have always seen her in this affair,
Since birth, till this day!
Wonder, how she did this year after year!
Showing up every time, like a beautiful fay.

This affair of her’s, was vivid,
It had shades unseen,
Sometimes, she would paint it red,
And sometimes, the envious green,

She strived, to keep the affair alive,
With a new shade every time!
She strived again, to keep the affair alive,
With a new pattern every time!

It has seen me sweat and cry,
Comforted me, when hurt,
It has seen me laugh and lie,
Hugged me, when in doubt!

Its Heavier at times,
And soft as silk most times,
Traditional sometimes,
And casual at other times,

It’s been a part of my life,
I don’t remember her without it,
Shades of her love, her laughter and life ,
Has painted my world bright,

A day came, when she gifted me that,
Finally, my long dreamt dream was real,
Will I be able to do it, day in and day out?
Well, I wish to, in all my zeal!

Its been a part of my life for a decade now,
Well I couldn’t do it, day in and out as told,
But when I wear, it makes the special one glow,
Making new memories unfold!

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30 thoughts on “A six yard Affair!

  1. Saumy

    Beautiful poem, Rashmi! You habe wonderfully portrayed the essence of love n relationship

    1. Rashmi Post author

      Totally agree with you. Once I started wearing them, quite often I started carrying it pretty well and infact I enjoy myself more when am in saree.
      Thanks for reading!

    1. Rashmi Post author

      Thanks Tina! πŸ™‚ Its the same with me. But when I get an opportunity I dn miss it πŸ™‚

    1. Rashmi Post author

      Thanks!:) I love sarees too, specially cotton sarees are my favorite. Keep tying to master it! πŸ˜‰

  2. upasna1987

    Hey Rashmi,

    I too love Sarees but it delayed my getting ready for a party which annoys my Hubby. I am bad at making plates. I am now finding an easy way to wear them- getting them stitched to save in time.
    BTW a nice poem on these 6-yard lovelies.

    1. Rashmi Post author

      Thanks Upasna! Try wearing synthetic sarees, that helps you, to get used to them . Am sure you will soon be a pro in tying them. I did the same~! πŸ˜‰

  3. Kala Ravi

    Simply beautiful Rashmi! I love your beautiful interpretation of what the sari means to you. I totally agree that when one drapes a sari, one feels so wonderful, it’s just the effort and patience it requires that keeps us from donning it on a regular basis. Btw you look lovely in it!
    Kala Ravi recently posted…Lessons from CrochetMy Profile

  4. Ramya

    Lovely affair πŸ˜‰ the one which makes you look more beautiful πŸ™‚
    Well written


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