This post was selected as a Spicy Saturday pick!
You find yourself ensnared,
In a lens realm!
Wondering, how it all started,
Making you, overwhelmed!
I know exactly, when it began,
You marry a man,
Thinking, he would be your fan,
Alas, he turns out to be a Camera man!
You know about the focal length,
The aperture and the shutter speed.
I wish, I knew, these were my strength,
During school, when it was a need!
When you carry his tripod around,
Instead of your Prada!
You know, he has you aground.
He has you captured, in the love pod!
Best time, is when we go on long drives!
Just to reach the destination,
For late night photography of the skies!
Ergo, adding more to my frustration.
God, should save you!
When he is on a travel expedition,
He leaves you,
Alone for his Photography mission.
I end up alone,
Just with the structures in the background,
I wish I had his clone,
To be, with me in the foreground.
Have been his subject at times,
An assistant most times,
And his photographer sometimes,
His wife all times.
All is worth when I see,
Him live his fantasy
Thus, rubbing a little on me,
Encouraging, to live in ecstasy!
Hey Rashmi..wonderful poetry..simply loved it. I loved the last stanza. Now Anil should bcome a poet/author to write abt your poetry fantasy. Isnt it?
Anil Kulkarni read the above comment:D…thank you soo much …But u know what, i started writing poetry only after reading his poems, till then i never thought i wld write…so last stanza of the poetry also applies to my poetry fantasy which i picked it up from our master Anil 😀
Oh is it! Then let me read some of his poems too…post Anil’s work on poetry.
Bhargavi Aralikatti this is his blog details, do check out 🙂 http://anilwrites.blogspot.com/
Did not know Anil Kulkarni also writes poems … Creative couple
Thank u:)
Hey! Congratulations, this post has been featured in Spicy Saturday Picks – August 20, 2016. Great job and keep on blogging!
Check out the article here: http://adda.at/2bEiuSf
Thank you so much for featuring my post in Spicy Saturday Picks! This boosts my confidence to write more, and its an honour to get featured on BlogAdda. Thanks once again!
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Thanks Blogadda! 🙂
Thanks Ruchie:)
Beautiful ! And he became my cameraman,…Aperature and focal length, I wish I knew them in school… Haha..
Wonderful poem !
Atulmaharaj recently posted…Ganpati Bappa all set to take centre stage
Seriously, If i knew these, in school it would have been a lot different!!
Your comments boosts my confidence to write more. Thanks Atul 🙂
wonderful poem rashmi. I am the camerawoman though! P.S iphone photographer!
Tina Basu recently posted…Fruity Bread and Butter Pudding
That’s awesome to hear! Comments from a photographer herself, Appreciate it! Thanks Tina 🙂
Wonderful Rashmi! To love one as he is -is true love and you have shown how to do that…great work! http://simpleindianmom.in/8-best-paying-work-home-jobs-check-today/ / /
True that, thanks Menaka 🙂
Wonderful. Enjoyed every bit of it.
Thanks for sharing.
Utpal Kant Mishra recently posted…Transformation – A Haiku
Thanks for those appreciating words Utpal! 🙂
Sweet 🙂
Awkward Earthling recently posted…Micropoetry #1
Thank you 🙂
When you carry his tripod around,
Instead of your Prada! //hahaha I could see myself there… this is the story of my life. Even the pictures he clicks of me will have that damn tripod in the frame 😛
Absolutely enjoyed reading this post 😀
Rajlakshmi recently posted…The love for Inversions
That’s the story of my life! There is always a Tripod and so much of gear when we go out :p. Glad to know someone shares similar thoughts. Thank you 🙂
A happy poem and loved it too! it isn’t that bad marrying a cameraman after all hehe 🙂
thanks Shweta :), it does have some perks but then every holiday becomes a Photographic expedition. He sees the world with his lens, I see through my eyes:P
Nice poem Rashmi!
Enjoyed reading it!
Subha Rajagopal recently posted…Icecream Fantasies
Thanks Subha, glad to know you enjoyed reading it! 🙂
Lol that’s love I see captured here beautifully