Lost and Found

By | September 16, 2016

They say “Memories are special moments that tell our Story”.Very true isn’t it, memories makes our story, they can be sweet,bitter,memories of love, friendship, distrust, heart-break and possibly anything and everything. Every moment we spend in present becomes a memory from the past long lost and found.

Cleaning my closet has always been a pain. I hate cleaning them. By the time I finish, I would either be frustrated, irritated and what not. It so happened that I started to clean my closet, this time when I was back in India and for a surprise by the end of the painful cleaning session, I was actually smiling.

Reason, was an awesome letter which i found, written by the most awesome person I have ever met in my life. This letter has a history of 13 years.When I found this I was shocked, I had kept it so neatly in a box which had a friendship band,a greeting card and a hand written letter from that special person.The person with whom I spent the most wonderful 3 years of my adolescence. The journey of understanding whats right or wrong probably started then, with her.

She was a gal with a boy cut, fair looking, intelligent and who always spoke her mind.The one who was always behind me, telling me to control my short temper, in fact sometimes even became the victim of it. But she was always there,She stuck by me all time. She wrote this letter to me when we were in the tenth grade,probably I wouldn’t be able to share every bit of it, as she says its “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL”.This was written to tell me, probably make me understand that she missed me as a friend in that year. She also said that it was my actions which made her feel that the closeness of us as best friends was getting lost. She is someone who usually doesn’t express her sad feelings openly unlike me.The best part about the letter is when she says that she felt that my closeness with another girl with whom even she was friends, made her feel left out. Probably this is something we all have experienced once, in our life time.


Today, after 13 years when i look back, the journey has been long, I had or in fact have some of the very incredible friendships which has been with me supporting me, molding me at every stage of my life. As soon as I found this letter I pinged her on the social media,Thanks to Facebook that I am still connected with these bunch of people who have made the moments of my life into the most beautiful memories.

All she had to say is ARE YOU SERIOUS? DO U STILL HAVE THAT? Yes girl I do.

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3 thoughts on “Lost and Found

  1. Rajlakshmi

    I have my whole collection of letters at my parent’s home. Reading them takes me back to good old days 🙂 so many stories and feeling my friends and I had shared. I can understand how you must be feeling 🙂
    Rajlakshmi recently posted…Japanese Paper Doll TutorialMy Profile

  2. Chandni

    I love cleaning up my wardrobe. I do this almost every other day out of habit and sometimes cleaning up closets are the best way to detox .. But look at the way this cumbersome activity worked out for you…

    finding something from 13 years ago must’ve felt like from a different lifetime.. its so exciting and the fact that you are still in touch with your friend . how wonderful..
    Chandni recently posted…The Feminism TriangleMy Profile


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