Day 14 of my 14 Day Saree Pact

By | March 16, 2017

I wore a traditional zari border crape Saree. There is a twist to this Saree,it looks like the Mysore silk saree but it’s crape Saree. This Saree has two contrasting colors,one being my favorite green and one not so favorite pink.Despite the color,there is another thing about this Saree which makes it one of my favorite i.e it’s light and drapes very well. This was again a gift and am just in love with it.

Accessories: I teamed this Saree with some simple gold jewelry and green glass Bangles.

This is my last saree and my love for sarees has made me finally complete my 14 Day Saree Pact.

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RELATED  Day 1 of my 14 Day Saree Pact

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