DIY Mandala Inspired Candle holders

By | March 24, 2017

Mandalas and love for candles has made me create this beautiful project. I always wanted a Urli, but after moving to USA its been just not possible. But I always wanted to create something very similar. So made this beautiful Mandala inspired candle holders with two of my favorite things. Bringing another DIY project, another Mandala drawing from my Art closet! The word Mandala means “circle”.  A Mandala represents wholeness extending beyond mind and body. Some have spiritual significance in few religions. Mandalas are used for meditation purposes thus allowing the individual to become one with universe.

Bring in light with this beautiful, elegant Mandala inspired tealight Candle Holders.

Materials required:

A round shape wooden board

Acrylic paints

Paint brushes

Terracotta color Crayola Air Dry clay

Flower shaped cookie cutters

3D Outliner -Gold color

Clear Acrylic Sealer

Kundans- optional

Tealight candles


Step 1: Draw a Mandala using your creativity and paint it with colors of your choice.

Step 2: Make terracotta diya or candle holders using Air dry clay.You can find the tutorial to do the same here

DIY Clay Tealight Candle holders

Step 3: Allow the clay holders to dry and paint them with your color of choice.Let it dry.

Step 4: You can stick Kundans, it is optional.

Step 5: Finish by painting clear acrylic sealer.

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Enjoy this beautiful DIY Mandala inspired Candle holder.You can place it on your corner table use it as a Rangoli pattern on any occasion, use it for lighting candles or lamps this Deepavali or just like that.

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