Borders in Bheenth Chitra

By | February 11, 2019

Bheenth Chitra, is a type of wall art from India. Traditionally, Bheenth Chitra originates from the tribes of western India, particularly from the states of Gujarat and Rajasthan.

This wall art is a mixture of geometrical and ethnic motifs. It is a freehand art form that takes wall designs to an entirely new level.The motifs are large, clear and very distinct. The motifs are mostly linear .

Today I have got you guys a post on borders in Bheenth Chitra. I will also be doing a series of Bheenth Chitra motifs in the coming days.

Materials required:

Sharpie Fine tip pen

Art journal

Tip: Visualize, sketch, practice and create your own designs and see the Art form, come alive.


Happy Drawing!

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RELATED  Parrot motif in Bheenth Chitra

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