From ME to MOM

By | May 8, 2019

A heart full of love, eyes filled with care, a watchful and an anxious mind, late showers, untimely meals, messy hair, deprived sleep, … and on and on. Yes, you got me right! I am the MOM of a just turned toddler.

I term the word MOM right from you see the two blue lines on the strip. Your appetite, sleep, pee frequency, exercise regime changes. You no longer can sit for long for a movie – those aches, you can’t eat your favorite food with your family – those heartburns! Yet, you are all-excited when you feel the kicks for the first time and enjoy the little flutters inside your tummy. As your little angel makes her first drawing on your tummy as stretch marks, your thoughts are now filled with your baby than your own body. To document my journey, I started writing a pregnancy journal and capturing pictures week by week. This has nurtured my creativity as well! Did you ever wonder this roller coaster ride would be so exhilarating, still exhausting? Trust me I never imagined one, but its every bit worth the journey.

On March 16th, our little one, Samvidh took his first breathe independently, filling not only my hands but my heart too! The joy is so overwhelming that it must be experienced. The day he was born is still so vivid in me, that Suraj and myself were so meticulously marking the times for feeding and cleaning him up. I still remember him searching in blind, just after his birth, to try to latch on to his mom for milk. The satisfaction he gets when he drinks from his mom is too serene to watch. His smiles, his cuddles, his tiny toes and fingers, pulling my cheek, and putting his arms around my shoulders are things beyond description. He became my world! I began to be so watchful of his moves, acts, gestures, still curious each day as to what he would do differently today. But, being watchful doesn’t stand alone, anxiety comes alongside. The first or second day at home, Samvidh had a hiccup and I called NP as to what to do? That’s how watchful you begin to be, LOL!

With Sam’s birth, I have become more multitasking. For his 1st birthday, I managed to do a Piñata, 12-month banner, a chalkboard – all from scratch – while shopping & preparing for his birthday. Trust me, I enjoyed it to the core. Wait, did I tell singing and dancing? I am an admirer of music, but I swear I don’t sing. But when I used to hold Samvidh in my arms, without a second thought, I used to sing him a lullaby. I dance for him, I mumble with him, I read to him, I play along with him. It’s nothing but I become a baby with him. Time, place, who is around really doesn’t matter when your baby is with you.Who would have dreamt of changing a diaper or making a rocking moment for your little one in the middle of the night? Its 3 am and you hear that cry, Waaawaaa Waaawaaa. Oh! not again! But yes, feeding time, mom. Since I was very adamant on exclusive breastfeeding till 5 months, I made sure to follow a certain diet regime that not only helps with lactation, but also tighten the ligaments, strengthen the rectal and back muscles. When Sam was 3 months old, he got an abrasion on his eyeball from his toy. When I learnt about it, I got so mad and out of control. It was 11 pm, when we rushed him to the Emergency. I was relieved only after the doc told us that it was only a superficial abrasion and it would heal by itself and sent us with an antibiotic ointment. That moment, I literally forgot that I was a doctor myself, and in retrospective, yes, I could have handled it in a more composed manner. But I am a MOTHER first and then a doctor. That is the power of a BABY!

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Priorities change! Going for a movie becomes less vital than taking your tot to a zoo, capturing your baby on your phone is more important than a selfie, your scattered baby’s toys are the home decor, your meals have more protein and less sugar. One thought lingers in my mind, “After becoming a mom, do I prioritize my baby or my career?” There is no right answer, we must learn to balance it out.

Your child’s plays are a sweet memorable movie for a lifetime. Samvidh has taught me some of the best lessons in life as to be lovable, caring, tolerating, and patient. He is not only growing but I have grown because of him. He is giving me love as a baby, teaching me as a teacher, sharing his pain and laughter as a friend. So, I tell YES, having a baby is a life-changer for the better. Everyday becomes a test of your patience and perseverance as they grow. It builds your character and makes you a stronger woman. He has made ME into a better ME, oh no sorry, he changed ME into a MOM!
— Dr. Shubha

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4 thoughts on “From ME to MOM

  1. Padmaja

    Very very nicely narrated great writer no words says it’s woow

  2. Henry

    After the long nights of no sleep and restlessness, discomforts and finally pains of child birth, we can’t help but be happy to behold our kids. They are nature’s best gifts to us. Thank you for sharing your experience.
    Henry recently posted…Best Bath Toys For 6 Month OldMy Profile


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