2019 Rewind

By | December 31, 2019

I always believed you pick up learning from every thing you do.2019 has been an Iconic year for me in respect to creativity.I want to list 5 things which scared me before I picked, and yet I still went ahead and did.

Watercolours– I had never painted with this medium  before, and when I picked it, it was a disaster. I tried a few to start and I just couldn’t get a hang of it.
Journey from this to this was beautiful. Learning: Give time ,commitment and patience

From that to this

Veeragaase– a folk dance form from Karnataka. Getting a dance form far to a far country from your motherland had its own challenges.
Learning : Leadership, Dream big and Planning meticulously, teamwork.


Acting in a Short movie– Never thought I would act in a Short movie.
Learning: Be explorative, Embrace change, Patience.

Theatre Make up: Just like the quote necessity is the mother of all inventions
Learning: Be explorative, learn to own things, Believe in yourself.

Comedy Script for a skit: Writing is something I have always enjoyed but writing a kannada comedy skit was never on the list.
Learning: Improved my language skills and also helped me to think more creatively.

There are things which didn’t go well too for that
Learning was: It’s ok.Try harder next time.Never give up. My wish every single day of my life is to just be a better version of myself.
List your learnings, from this year and March ahead.

Happy 2020 guys! Wishing you all health, love and happiness.

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