Watercolour Geometric Mandala- Cosmos

By | February 21, 2020

Everything comes from Shiva and goes back to Shiva.


Today on this auspicious day of Maha Shivaratri, I bring you guys this new #shivainspired Watercolour- Geometric Mandala, Cosmos.

I have tried to depict the above quote, that everything starts and ends with Shiva in this Geometric Mandala. Geometric Mandala, here signifies the cosmos and in the center is Shiva, the ultimate from whom everything begins and ends. There are step by step photos for your reference. Happy Shivratri.

Watercolour Geometric Mandala- Cosmos

Materials required:

Watercolour Paint: Winsor and Newton

Sharpie fine tip pen- Black

Gellyroll pen- Silver





Watercolour Brushes: Princeton Brushes( Neptune size 6 round brush)

Watercolour Paper: Strathmore Paper 400


Step 1 Watercolour Geometric Mandala- Cosmos
Step 2 Watercolour Geometric Mandala- Cosmos
Step 3 Watercolour Geometric Mandala- Cosmos
Step 4 Watercolour Geometric Mandala- Cosmos

Happy Shivaratri

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