Seattle Skyline Mandala

By | February 28, 2020

Today’s post has my heart. Its about one of my favorite city, which also happens to be the city I live in. It is Seattle from the Evergreen State, Washington. In today’s post I have two of my favorite things clubbed as one. One, being Seattle and the other is the Mandala.

Pacific Northwest has some of the best sunsets and watching them takes me back home.Yes, you heard it right. Everytime I see the yellow and reds in the sky, it makes me miss namma ooru, Bengaluru.

Pacific Northwest Sunset
Pacific Northwest Sunset

Here I have used the sunset colours, yellow and red to represent the beautiful sunsets of the Pacific Northwest and coincidentally it also happens to be the flag of my home state, Karnataka in India.

This year, there is another reason to celebrate these colours in Seattle, can u guess???
AKKA- 2020, the world’s largest Kannada Convention  is going to  happen, here in Washington, and I am one happy soul.

So here it is my Seattle Skyline Mandala, hope you guys love it.

Seattle Skyline Mandala

Materials required:
1. Arteza Gouache -set of 24
2. Strathmore paper 400( same paper what you use for watercolour)
3. Sharpie pen
4. Princeton Brushes( same brushes what you use for watercolour)
5. Compass
6. Pencil
7. Eraser

Read more about Gouache:
Gouache (pronounced “gwash”) are water-soluble
paints that combines both aspects of Watercolours and Acrylics. They were easy to use.
They become transparent when thinned with water and acts like Watercolour paint. Yet, unlike watercolors, it can be worked from dark to light and you can paint in white areas.
It contains a lot of pigment, it is thick and opaque like acrylic paint. But, unlike acrylics, which once dry can’t be reworked, gouache allows you to return days later and alter your work.

RELATED  Gouache- Summer Drinks


Step 1: Seattle Skyline Mandala
Step 2: Seattle Skyline Mandala

Happy Painting!

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