Watercolour- Rajahamsa Mandala

By | March 11, 2020

People who know me closely, know my undying love for saree’s. So last week when I was folding my saree’s, I realised that I had a couple of saree’swith the same motifs, but with a slight difference in the zari work.

Can you guess that motif ? Yes, you are right its the Rajahamsa / Flying Goose or Hamsa motif. It’s the most common motif you see on saree’s  and the most famous one too. This motif has never gone out of trend. I have seen these motifs on my Grandmom’s, Mom’s and my silk saree’s too.

This intrigued me, so I went ahead to look around what I could gather about this motif.

History and Interesting facts:
Source: Dynastic Art of Kushans.
1.Symbolically the hamsa had an association in Indian metaphysical literature as an emblem both for an embodied soul and for Brahma, as the supreme spirit.
2.It is also the vahana of Brahmal
3.This was a Royal Emblem in the Kushan Period.( Kushan Dynasty)

From being an Emblem to a Motif on textiles now, Rajahamsa has had a historical journey.
So decided to my version of Rajahamsa for Bird mandala prompt of #7mandalachallenge
Hope you guys love it❤

Watercolour- Rajahamsa Mandala

Materials required:
3.Pencil and eraser
4.Sharpie Fine tip
5.Gelly roll pens – Gold and Silver
6. Watercolour paint
7. Watercolour Brushes
8. Canson paper

Step by Step photos

Steps for Watercolour- Rajahamsa Mandala

Happy Painting!

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