Watercolour- Mysore Jambu Savari Mandala

By | March 28, 2020

Today’s post is Watercolour- Mysore Jambu Savari Mandala.Something from my home state, Karnataka for this prompt. Since we are staying home now, and had a lot of time at hand, I decided to clean my cupboard and found a treasure hid under a pile of dresses. Any guesses? It was some memorable moments captured in photos from my childhood.

So walking down the memory lane I also found my inspiration for my next Mandala challenge. This is my entry for #7mandalaschallenge
Prompt 6: Elephant Mandala

Though a Bangalorean myself, I have had a special love towards Mysore for a very  longtime now. As I drew this, I remembered all the fun we used to have during Dasara holidays which mostly involved driving to Mysore.

The trip would start by visiting the famous Mysore zoo, Chamundi hills then ended with the world famous Dasara procession at the Mysore palace. To just have a sight of Jambu Savari people from all over the world come to Mysore. So today have tried to depict the Jambu Savari in a Mandala. Hope you guys enjoy  something from my memory lane.❤


Watercolour- Jambu Savari Mandala

Happy Painting!

Stay home, stay safe!

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