Kalamkari Inspired- Srirama, Seeta and Maruti

By | April 2, 2020

Emotions are the ornaments of life. But we need to choose the emotions that bring out our higher side, not our lower side.
-Chaitanya Charan Das

Happy Sri Ramanavami to all the people celebrating it. Today’s post is Kalamkari Inspired- Srirama, Seeta and Maruti. Let me know what you think of this painting in comments.
Much love to u all, Stay safe❤

Materials required:
Watercolour Paint: @fabercastellusa
Watercolour Paper: @cansonpaper_northamerica
Watercolour Brushes: @princetonbrush
Fine tip pen: @micronart


Step by step Photos of Kalamkari Inspired- Srirama, Seeta and Maruti
Kalamkari Inspired- Srirama, Seeta and Maruti

Happy Festivities!

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