How to draw Peacock in Warli Art

By | February 22, 2016

Introduction:  Warli art is one of the oldest tribal arts of India. It is named after the tribe Warli. They hailed from the coastal areas of Maharashtra and Gujarat. Warli has a basic graphic representation: a circle, triangle and a square.It is an earthy art form. A circle represents nature like sun and moon.The triangle represents trees and mountains and the square represents an enclosed space or a piece of land.These pictorial representations were painted only during special occasions like weddings and during the harvest season.
I will be doing a series of Warli art drawing tutorials.Today’s tutorial is how to draw a Peacock, a Male and Female Illustration in Warli.


Tutorial for Peacock:

Pictorial representation of Peacock in Warli Art.

Pictorial representation of Peacock in Warli Art.

RELATED  DIY : Warli art Wall hanging

Tutorial for Male and Female Illustration in Warli Art.

Pictorial representation of Male and female illustration in Warli art.

Pictorial representation of Male and female illustration in Warli art.

I have used these drawings and made coasters.So can you! If you have any questions you can always comment and will be more than happy to answer your questions.

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5 thoughts on “How to draw Peacock in Warli Art

  1. greywater reuse

    Terrific post!! This blogging simply keeps me returning. I enjoy the work that you put into it and really enjoy reading through most of the posts. Hi and thanks a great deal and keep the nice work up!!

  2. Eva

    Thanks a lot for sharing such an easy tutorial. I loved the peacock most and definitely going to teach it to my kids. These are really cool!


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