Last Meet

By | February 25, 2016

Last meet(Pencil sketch)

Oh My god, is the sun out!
Here I am all set with a pout,
Waiting to meet my man,
I am scared would I get tanned!
Waiting for you in the coffee shop,
I rolled my hair to make a bun on top.
Was it the love crime?
Cause the color of our dress rhymed!
We sat down,
Forgetting all the frown,
Looking at each other,
We burst out in laughter.
We promised not to fight,
We had to set, everything right,
So we started with the usual stuff,
And discussed about the weather so rough.
Then you said, things,
I nervously started to roll my rings.
It was the last meet you said,
My love life had just end.
You said you won’t meet me ever,
I said never say, never ever!
You told me to be practical,
And not emotional.
I asked why all this now,
What shall I do with the love,
You said, keep it inside,
Don’t show it outside.
You said am your past now,
So stop, let this go,
Don’t mix it with your present,
Keep me in dreams, as your crescent.
How to forget that special one?
Easier said, than done,
The one, who was my smile,
How to hide him in my heart even for a while?

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