How to Draw a Bird in Warli

By | March 16, 2016

Introduction: Warli art is one of the oldest tribal arts of India. It is named after the tribe Warli. They hailed from the coastal areas of Maharashtra and Gujarat. Warli has a basic graphic representation: a circle, triangle and a square.It is an earthy art form. A circle represents nature like sun and moon.The triangle represents trees and mountains and the square represents an enclosed space or a piece of land.These pictorial representations were painted only during special occasions like weddings and during the harvest season.
I will be doing a series of Warli art drawing tutorials.Today’s tutorial is how to draw a bird,in Warli. Here is a Pictorial representation as to how to draw a bird in Warli.

Pictorial representation of a bird in Warli

For more tutorials in warli you can check the below links

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