Sometimes be a Loner

By | March 19, 2016

TanteTati / Pixabay

Have you ever felt the silence when the light goes off?, the silence when the door, behind you shuts? There is something in that moment of silence, there is something absurd but at the same time something comforting.

The alone long, scenic morning walks, time well spent gazing at the numerous twinkling stars in a clear sky, the time spent watching a gushing dreamy waterfall paving its way between the solid large rocks. Yes, all of this can be felt only when you are all alone!

You may also think, all of this can be done even with a group. Yes, no doubt, “The more, The merrier”, but sometimes doing it alone gives you bliss. Don’t take me wrong I am not suggesting you to be a loner.

This was something i experienced recently. I am a social being, a net savvy, you can find me always talking to friends, sharing ideas, listening to music, networking. I was a person who used to cook watching television. πŸ™‚ I bet, now you understand what i am. I am certainly not an introvert, i make friends easily too. Something strange happened a few days back, precisely a month back.

Bellevue, is the place where I stay, was all heated up a month back, so hot, that it woke me up from my sleep. I switched on the pedestal fan which I had, but it did not make me feel any better. It was 4.30 am in the morning. I wanted fresh cool air, something that would make my skin cells breathe. And the only option was to step out of the house. I was out, just letting my skin breathe.

The sudden splash of air, blew my hair behind. I could feel the coolness and the freshness in the air on my, so very sweating skin. The curve on my face which was upside down had reversed. I was all smiles. Then, I went for a short walk in the community garden and sat down.

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I sat for, more than an hour just looking at the sun rising in the sky. After the sun rose, i still sat for half an hour in silence, clearing the mind. When i say this, i mean, We are running all the time! For work, for friends, family and pleasures. There is always less time for ourselves. Trying to fit in and to satisfy everyone we ACT, ACT and continue to ACT.

That moment of silence when no one’s around, you don’t act, you aren’t responsible to anyone. There is no one judging you on what you are wearing, on how you looking or on your relationships.When you are alone, you are yourself. There are ‘NO MASKS’. You take time, understand yourself, introspect, get a reality check, re-look and assess your mistakes, remember the people whom you have missed in your life, remember people who loved you, clear your conscience, embrace yourself for what you are!

Why Star gazing, why sunrises, why morning walks?, because they always make you feel natural and raw and when you are a part of something so very natural, you tend to shed your sophistication, falseness, artificial self and begin to feel you are real.

I did this, now I do it every day, because have realized I am more beautiful as a person without ‘MASKS’ and once you do it every day you start becoming ‘REAL’.
So sometimes ‘BE A LONER’! πŸ™‚

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4 thoughts on “Sometimes be a Loner

  1. Jaibala Rao

    So true, somethings can only be achieved when you are alone, some thoughts can only be heard when you are alone.
    Jaibala Rao recently posted…FearMy Profile


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