If I should have a son!

By | June 20, 2016

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If I should have a son
What would I tell him
Would I tell him to grow stronger?
Would I tell him to grow to be greater?What would I?

Would I tell him that the world is cruel,
That every time you try to catch a piece of your dream,
It will pull you right back to the ground,
Would I tell him to try again and again,

No matter how many times you are pulled back,
Everything is just an experience,
Good or bad, happy or sad.
Would I tell him to love more and hate less.

Smile more but don’t forget to cry too.
Just know that everything that starts will end,
And before it ends live every moment of it.
Would I tell him to be curious in life,

Read more and explore your readings through travel.
Have a first love,
It’s OK to get your heart broken.
Would I tell him,

Life is beautiful,
And you are beautiful,
Just remember, to live like,
You have life, in you.

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12 thoughts on “If I should have a son!

    1. Rashmi Post author

      Thanks Raj πŸ™‚ Totally agree, we have to teach them not just to live but to experience every moment!


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