Little Boy Next Door!

By | July 18, 2016

I stay in a Community in Bellevue,Washington. After a long day, I was tired, kinda irritated. Probably the monotony in life, had made me like that. I got freshened up and just stepped out to sit in the patio.

I saw a little one playing in the community garden. It was weird, to see him, sitting in a corner, looking at the ground. I observed him, probably for ten minutes then couldn’t stop myself, so I walked towards him and asked, “Hey Bud! What you looking at?” and he looked at me and said,”Hey! can you see those ants?, they all are going in a straight line!
I just smiled and said “Oh yes, they are!.” Probably I spent the next 1 hour with him doing absolutely nothing, but only staring those.The way he looked at it, popping his eyes out, everything he used to touch, feel, and those wondering eyes everything made me feel one thing. The way he looked at the world was totally different.

The next five days I made sure I came back early and spent some time with him. Some times we played together, sometimes we just spent staring at the smallest of things.I learned a lot of things those five days, or I may say, that I experienced, a new way of looking at the life. which I had long forgotten.

As a kid we all told our dreams loudly, ate our food making noise, dressed possibly with the weirdest of combinations, played all day, not bothered about the high heels or parlors, and looked at the world with big eyes.Everything seemed possible, we could be a Doctor, an Engineer and a Dancer ,all at the same time. Always made time for friend’s Birthdays. We laughed loudly, hugged soulfully and cried wholeheartedly.

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Those wondering eyes,the amazed look and curiosity in every single thing, made me feel I was not looking at the life in the right sense.Yes, I found the answers why I had become irritated in life, it was not because of the monotony in life, but the monotony in the way I looked at my life. Life is to be lived and experienced.

Try to keep the child within you Alive!

Try to keep the child within you Alive!

I agree,you cant be a kid at heart in all the things you do.Change is inevitable.You have to grow up and become responsible but sometimes letting yourself, the freedom to be a kid for sometime, can help you look at the world differently and probably give you a better picture about a lot of small things.You will start valuing the smaller things which actually are a bigger part of your Life.

So today get rid of those Red Lipsticks, Blush-on’s, High heels, Leather bags and those Plastic smiles from premolar to premolar, and put on some Casuals, untie your hair, let those pink lips smile, natural cheeks glow in the sun and lay back.

Observe, experience and get amazed like a kid!

Linking to #Indispire126 “You will find more happiness growing down than Up” Do you wish to relive your childhood?

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