100th Post

By | December 2, 2016
100th Post

100th Post

It’s an amazing feeling, this is my 100th post on my website. A sense of achievement, the passion for blogging has become stronger. A sense of pride about my commitment, and happy that I am still blogging after my 99th post. This 100th post is going to be a brag post, so don’t blame me that I never warned you! ๐Ÿ™‚

This post is about a fellow friend. She keeps encouraging me with her likes, comments on my website and Facebook page. As you all know, am a DIY enthusiast and when someone recreates our DIY projects, it just brings great sense of happiness and satisfaction and encourages us to do more.

So, few days back I got a message from my friend about a DIY Handmade Golu doll project. She had few doubts, and she wanted to make these Golu dolls within a day or two, and celebrate the festival this year:)

If you are wondering which one here is the linkย Handmade Golu Dollls

The things that impressed me when I spoke to her was, she wanted to celebrate Golu festival this year ,and also put some effort to make her own dolls:) I gave her all the information and told her to share pics, if she did try making them.

I have had a lot of people contact me with a lot of doubts and as usual I request them to share their work with me. Frankly speaking, never has anyone shared their work. For a DIY enthusiast there is no other satisfaction than a person who followed their idea, share their work.

Thanks Shubha Shree, you just made my blogging world a bit more joyous by sharing your work with me. Incredible job on those dolls. Peacock was my favorite doll, I loved the way you have painted it. I loved all your dolls, commendable effort! Thanks, for sharing your beautiful work with me and my readers! Thanks, Shubha for making my 100th post, colorful with your effort and creativity!

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Shubha’s, beautiful work of Art!

Thanks, to everyone who supported me in this journey. Thanks, to Blogchatter for helping me successfully participate in the Alexa Campaign and help me improve my rank, and also help me connect with a lot of interesting bloggers. This year, I have a lot of things to be thankful for!

Stay tuned for more DIY posts, this December cause its Holiday time!:)


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