My Christmas Story

By | December 28, 2016


After sharing a series of DIY posts on Christmas Ornaments, I am here today to tell you a story, My Christmas Story:) Long, Long ago not so Long ago we moved to Seattle,USA from India. We moved in 2013, and this was my first visit to USA.

Seattle during Christmas looks absolutely stunning, streets are all lit beautifully, the malls are decorated with Christmas trees and wreaths, there is Santa with whom you can click pictures, from selfies to Family portraits etc. Well this was in fact my first very Christmas celebrations in 2013.

Seattle all lit up:)

Seattle all lit up:)

Born and brought up in Bangalore, in a Brahmin family I did not have many memories of Christmas celebrations, other than few Christian friends, Christmas fruit cake and school holidays. Later while working it was Secret Santa game and some gifts.

During the holiday season Seattle is cold, most of the times rainy and windy with chilling temperatures. In this cold weather walking up to your car to get grocery is difficult but then I was enthralled by the   Christmas spirit, shopping and celebrations. The depressing cold weather demands you to have such spirits, being sad and alone actually doesn’t help one, during this time of the year. So our first year went by but the next year in 2014 the coldness and the chill in the air had me ensnared making me feel sad and bored.

One fine morning I ask my husband Hey, let’s celebrate Christmas this year, let’s get a tree home! He gazed at me for two minutes, thought I was joking and kept quiet.

I have the habit of telling a certain thing many times just to get used to the fact that I want something. I kept telling it two, three times just to convince myself that we wanted to keep a tree. This rant went on for a while after husband said a big NO. He was worried about the space it would occupy cause I was not ready to settle for a smaller one.

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The holiday season started but the smile on my face had been missing. As usual after a long day when I came back home in the evening and I was surprised to see a Christmas Tree with our Initials A and R on it. 🙂 Hubby decided to be my Secret Santa and gifted and us our first Christmas tree which we decorated that year, had friends come over, played Secret Santa, received lot of gifts and had some yummy food.



Since then we have been keeping our Cute Christmas tree which we enjoy decorating, adding a new Christmas Ornament every year and have friends come over to the party.

Christmas for me is

Christmas for me is

Christmas for me is

Love, Joy, Hope and the Celebrations which lifts up the spirits.

The time we spend as Family to decorate the tree.

The Happiness I get to see when my loved ones open their gifts.

Cooking yummy recipes for the crazy lot.

Cookies, hot cocoa and Christmas movies all season.

And pampering myself with lots of Shopping.

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2 thoughts on “My Christmas Story

  1. Mayura Amarkant

    Family time…that is the essence of Christmas for me too…Friends and Family make life worth living…
    Christmas is my favourite festival too…
    Lovely post…keep writing and bringing such beautiful ideas to us…


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