5 Life Lessons my Newborn taught me

By | January 6, 2017

While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about!

You learn from them! Do you ?
What do children know, that we parents have forgotten about life. This has long haunted me, until recently got to understand and experience. We were recently blessed with a baby, and things have changed drastically since then. Last year has been a year of introspection and a year of emotions. Here I bring you 5 life lessons, my newborn taught me!

Life Lesson 1: Multitasking

Multitasking, is something I always wished I had the ability to do, well all in vain, I never could. But after my baby was born have started or you can say have slowly started to learn the art of Multitasking. I could not concentrate on two jobs at a time, but now everything has changed. Two things are the least number of activities I do at a time. When my baby was couple of days old, just changing the diaper was the biggest task. But now, I calm the crying baby by holding a pacifier in the baby’s mouth, change diaper and also sing to my baby, all at the same time. All credits to my Baby!

Life Lesson 2: Trust

Trust, is a very tricky word.We always tend to doubt people around us. There will only be a few, whom you can trust, day in and out, and remember that is not blind trust. A lot of times we tell people, we trust you but the very next moment we have a set of doubts crawling in our heads, that is not trust. But the way babies trust you, is incredible. They trust you blindly, they trust you every single day and every moment. Their trust in you can be felt when you hold them, carry them and at last even when you feed them. I have started to trust people the same way,blindly!

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Life Lesson 3: Everyday is a new Start

For newborns, everyday is a new day! There are so many changes, every single day. Everyday there is a new thing to be excited about with the baby’s activities, thus keeping you excited and curious. Since the time we had a baby, everyday has been a new day, a new start.

Life lesson 4: Ask what you want /Cry if you need to/ Do if you wish to

Confused! Oh, don’t be. Babies have the capacity to do so. They talk only through their cries. They can cry their lungs out and make you go down on your knees, providing them with what they asked for. Most of the times we shy away from our feelings. Hiding does only harm. So try to put your feelings out, cry if you need to, ask if u want to, do if you wish to.

Life Lesson 5: Live Alive

It’s not always rosy for a new mom, there are all kinds of moments. Taking care of Newborns can be very tiring. Trust me,feeding, diaper changing and giving bath can be tiring, I know a lot of people will be thinking, How can you get tired doing such simple things? But trust me you do. Its been long that I felt so alive, doing such simple things. Probably everyday life has made us so very monotonous that, I had just forgotten the feeling of being Alive. But here it is, a newborn breaking all the monotony and making you feel alive.

There you go! Hopefully, you enjoyed reading my first post of the year! Am sure a lot of parents agree with these life lessons!

Happy Reading and Parenting!

Linking this post to #MondayMommyMoments

9 thoughts on “5 Life Lessons my Newborn taught me

    1. Rashmi Post author

      Yes Rohan, probably this is the only job where you get tired, overwhelmed, loved, satisfied and happy.All at the same time!

  1. Isabelle Clover

    Hello Rashmi

    You’ve got a wonderful post about lessons you learned here. If women were endowed with the instinct to care lovingly for their children, then all children in the world would probably be very healthy and happy. Motherhood has very little to do with instinct and a great deal to do with learned behavior. Many women learn about motherhood through books. The fact that women nowadays need to read books about mothering indicates how much learning is necessary for women to fulfill their roles as mothers.

    Best of luck to you and your family.

    Isabelle Clover recently posted…Health and beauty benefits of peachesMy Profile

  2. Amrita Basu (Misra)

    A baby’s trust and love is so pure it makes you feel blessed.Beautiful lessons you have learned from mommy hood.Thank you for sharing them with #MondayMommyMoments


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