We turn 1

By | February 15, 2017

My website is a year old, its my web anniversary! We turn 1. There been so many memories, endless efforts and a lot of midnight lamps burnt. It would have been difficult without your constant support and love! We started small and with a constant commitment, we turn 1.I just wanted to share my journey with you guys today.

When my husband suggested I should have a self hosted website in WordPress I was startled.However I knew if I had to pay for something I would be more consistent and committed. And then the search for the name started. I had shortlisted two names and rashmiandi was more dear to me. You can find the story about why rashmiandi in the below link.

Why rashmiandi?

I still remember my first post on my website was a DIY post on Warli. The nervousness I had when I wrote that post  then is the same nervousness I have, even now! Not a lot has changed. I believe nervousness keeps me on a check constantly, which is good for me. I am a new mom and probably this coming year will be the most challenging but am sure I will be able to do a pretty good job. It is because of the undaunted belief in me, by my husband. He encourages me through all the odds, and constantly tells me that I can do this. Thank you for all the support and love!Reminiscing last years moments!

We turn 1

Goals achieved this year!

Published as an Author: Contributing Poet for two Anthologies ‘Shades of Love’ and ‘Dear Mom with Love 2’ published by Arusha Books, India.

Total posts Published on my website 113 posts

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Total visitors 49,355

DIY Posts 54

Poetry 20

Festival on write-ups 10

Your encouraging Comments 460

Twitter followers 148

Facebook likes 245

Instagram followers 74

Best overall views in a day 468 views

All time views 15,057

Often it’s said that, if you know your destination, carving your path is no difficult. Hopefully next year is gone be as great as this and probably even better. Soon will be posting some exciting DIY’s. Stay tuned for more fun!




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