DIY Faux Stained Glass Candle Holder

By | February 16, 2017

As promised have got you guys yet another DIY project. I have always been fantasized by stained glass articles, they just make things so beautiful and attractive. Another thing which I am fond of or I use extensively around my house, are candle holders. So bringing you guys  a DIY which has two of my favorite parts in it i.e. DIY Faux Stained Glass Candle Holder. These candle holders add so much element to your house and can be used to decorate just any special occasion.

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Materials required:

A small glass candle holder

Mod Podge

Sponge brush


Tissue paper different colors


Tealight candle


Step 1 Cut the tissue papers using scissors in small random shapes.

Step 2 Apply a layer of mod podge on the holder and stick tissue paper.

Step 3 Complete the entire holder by sticking tissue paper.

Step  4 Finally apply a coat of mod podge and your faux stained glass holder is ready for use.

DIY Faux Stained Glass Candle holder




Happy Reading and Crafting!

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