Story of a Dream

By | July 28, 2017

This is a story of a dream,
Yes, yes a tale of an urban lad.
The boy who dreamt a dream,
And achieved it, with all he had.

His dream was to meet Uncle Sam,
And to drive on the roads, so broad,
To have a life that none had seen,
And to bring his parents abroad.

Finally, the day came, oh boy,
He packed his bags all excited,
Leaving, behind those streets of joy.
To an unknown boulevard!

He left his comfort zone,
To achieve something great!
He set his mind on,
Even with the weather not so great.

The story wasn’t all that happier,
He faced his share of downs.
He stood still and confronted all the barriers,
And made the frown, go upside down.

He has come a long way,
A journey of 4 years,
He has faced it all,
And also shed his tears.

A self made man, he is,
A warrior within,
He is living his dream,
He makes me, wanna scream.

Every time, I look at him,
He inspires me from within,
What a dream can do to you,
Is what I learnt from him.
You are my Ideal Appa.
I heart you:)

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