Watercolour- Enlightened Mandala

By | March 7, 2020

“It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you.” -Buddha

Today’s post is Watercolour- Enlightened Mandala. In today’s post I have clubbed two of my favorites, watercolours and Mandalas.
I have painted buddha under a tree, to represent the enlightenment of Buddha under Bodhi vriksha. Hope you guys like it.

I have tried to paint the entire scene like the blue skies, brown earth, green leaves and brown tree and dark roots with watercolours and Mandala.
Hope you guys like it ❤

Watercolour- Enlightened Mandala

Materials required:
Pens used @gellyrollph , @sharpie
Paper used @strathmoreart
Paint: @savannah_sohne
Brushes: @princetonbrush

Step by step Photos:

Watercolour- Enlightened Mandala
Watercolour- Enlightened Mandala
Watercolour- Enlightened Mandala

Happy Painting!

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