Tag Archives: mommyblogger
Passionately Curious
The way u look at the world, With those curious eyes, Like a ready to bloom bud, Imagining, everything to be nice. You are like a soft sponge, Clear and light, with no baggage. Looking at everything, Waiting to understand and absorb anything. You forgive and forget, Neither do you have any regrets, You just… Read More »
Silent ramblings
10 foods for lactating mothers
As promised have brought you guys yet another post on Breast milk. Today’s post is about foods that help in increasing breast milk supply. A lot of supplements are out in market which claim to help in increasing milk supply, but I think anything you take naturally is more healthier than taking supplements.Based on my… Read More »
Breast milk ,the Liquid Gold!
Breast milk and Breast feeding the two most toughest things a new mom has to deal with. Guess what, it wasn’t called liquid gold just like that.
Dosa House
Long awaited Dosa House has opened in Bellevue
DIY User-friendly Pooja space, away from your curious toddler🙂
Hello readers, let’s start this new year with this easy DIY. This is a pocket friendly project,which makes a mother’s life so very easy and also looks very beautiful. I was brought up in a conservative family with a lot of traditional and cultural values.In our houses if you don’t have a separate Pooja room… Read More »
You can never have enough Toys
Hello people. I have been meaning to write a post from so long. We came back from India just some time back after vacationing and it took quite sometime to settle in. So today have got you guys an interesting post on Toys, yes you heard it right. The market is filled with numerous educational… Read More »