How to draw an Old man in Warli

By | June 23, 2016

Introduction:  Warli art is one of the oldest tribal arts of India. It is named after the tribe Warli. They hailed from the coastal areas of Maharashtra and Gujarat. Warli has a basic graphic representation: a circle, triangle and a square.It is an earthy art form. A circle represents nature like sun and moon.The triangle represents trees and mountains and the square represents an enclosed space or a piece of land.These pictorial representations were painted only during special occasions like weddings and during the harvest season. I will be doing a series of Warli art drawing tutorials.

I first saw this art in a Chitrakala Parishath Exhibition in Bangalore,India.I have always had a keen interest in knowing the history of different art forms from different parts of India and this interest of mine, made me dig more into Warli art. Now Warli art has been incorporated in textile Industries,in home decor, Jewelry and much more.
Today’s tutorial is how to draw an Old man in Warli. Just follow the picture for the steps.

Old man in Warli

Old man in Warli

Click below to find the previous tutorials in Warli

Happy Drawing!
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RELATED  How to Draw a Bird in Warli

3 thoughts on “How to draw an Old man in Warli

    1. Rashmi Post author

      Thank you. Glad to know you enjoyed Warli posts. Do tag me @rashmiandi on Instagram and Facebook if you recreate them.


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